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Streamline your remote review, with complete confidence in all project evidence you receive

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OpenOrigins Remote Monitoring

Global projects require high degrees of trust, when your engineers need to remotely manage projects, it’s vitally important that your team can trust the information they are receiving.

OpenOrigins Secure Remote Monitoring gives your team the tools to oversee global projects with certainty that the pictures you are reviewing are exactly what your on-ground team says they are.

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OO Secure Camera

OO Secure Camera Integrates into your team's review and approval processes adding a layer of verification to every image and video you receive.


How it works

  1. Secure Camera integrates into your organisation’s existing tooling. 

  2. Our built-in camera lets your contractors submit authenticated content which is provably free of edits and manipulation.   

  3. The device is evaluated for integrity and security and sensors checked to determine liveness and authenticity which will allow these stories to be pursued with a reduced timescale.    

  4. Your engineering managers receive photos with proven time, location and 3-D depth for advanced analysis. 

OpenOrigins Secure Camera


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