Authentic Human Data from Trusted Media Sources
Unlock access to multimodal datasets that are ethically sourced, human-only, and copyright-compliant, curated to power your AI models.
For AI Companies
Find the Data You Need, Fast
We collaborate with top media companies to ensure content is human-origin, secure, and validated for AI use.
Provenance: Every dataset in our marketplace is human-origin and copyright-compliant, so you can confidently train your models knowing the data is authentic and legally sound.
Proof of Humanity: By leveraging purpose-built blockchains, we work with media companies to anchor each piece of content, guaranteeing its origin is permanently verified.
Diverse Dataset Library: With over 4 petabytes of data ready for licensing, our marketplace includes a wide range of content, including editorial, behavioral, and HDRi 360 data, from leading organizations such as ITN.
Tell us the data you need, and we’ll find it for you. Get access to datasets that meet your exact requirements, quickly and efficiently.
For Media Licensors
Monetize Your Content with Transparency and Control
We help media companies curate AI-specific datasets and ensure fair compensation, all while giving you full control over how your content is used.
Maintain Control: You retain full control over your data, while gaining access to a global marketplace of AI buyers. We help prepare and curate your content, but you always have a say in how it’s used.
Transparent Monetization: We provide full transparency into who’s licensing your content, ensuring you receive the right price from the right buyer.
Ethical Licensing: Our platform ensures that your data is licensed responsibly, protecting your intellectual property and supporting ethical AI development.
Leverage your data with confidence and turn it into a new revenue stream—without compromising control or transparency.
Why Our AI Marketplace?
Ethically Sourced, Human Data
All datasets are human-generated and fully copyright-compliant, so you can train with confidence.
Blockchain guarantees every dataset’s authenticity, ensuring your models are trained on verifiable, reliable data.
Curated for AI
Our datasets are tailored for AI needs—featuring editorial, behavioral, and HDRi 360 content.
We partner with top media companies like ITN to provide the highest-quality datasets.
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